Stop feeling stuck… Discover the peaceful path to nourishing yourself!

What is Embodied Nourishment:

Embodied nourishment encapsulates the philosophy of nourishing the entire self, encompassing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The term “embodied” refers to the idea of being fully present in one’s body, attuned to its needs and sensations. It involves cultivating a deep connection with oneself and recognizing the connection between your symptoms, your experiences and your health!

Holistic nourishment, emphasizes the importance of addressing all aspects of human experience to achieve optimal health and vitality. It encompasses not only the food we consume but also our relationships, environment, beliefs, and lifestyle choices. 

In essence, embodied nourishment honors the interconnectedness between body, mind & spirit and nurtures all aspects of self to promote overall wellness so you can break-through the burnout, stop repeating cycles and step into who you truly are!

Are you ready to THRIVE on all levels!

The key to becoming the greatest version of you, is to understand who you are at your deepest core level. 

Your body systems, your cells, your thoughts, your habits, your stories, your past experiences are all connected and have shaped you into the person you are today on all levels (mind, body & spirit). My approach to transformation is where science meets soul. Science reveals to us the bio-chemical pathways that support our physical body, the essential nutrients needed for energy production, system function and overall well-being. Soul medicine, is the inner-work we need to embody our energy, so we can take up space and exude vitality. 

Our nervous system is at the heart of these two modalities. Linking together our gut and brain centres is how we unlock our healing! Your gut-brain share an intimate relationship, where neurotransmitters, reproductive hormones, stress hormones & digestive juices are produced in response to how you think and how your feel in your day to day life. Whether you are overcoming physical illness or embarking on a new chapter of your life, my holistic framework will give you the map to get there. I teach you to use embodied nourishment so that you feel empowered on the path of healing and transformation. 

Helping you your find gut-soul connection…

Naturopathic Nutritionist, Yoga Teacher, Yoga Psychology Graduate, Holistic Therapist, Intuitive Chef, Founder of Thrive Cafe.

Lorraine Demetriou

Your Embodied Nourishment Guide

Lorraine is a Holistic Health specialist for those lost in the symptoms of their digestive discomfort & illness. She helps those seeking to up-level their cooking skills and support their mental health & whole-body wellbeing.

Lorraine creates innovative Gut Health trainings combining over 15 years as a Naturopathic Nutritionist with her Intuitive Cooking background & journey as a Yoga Teacher. She fuses together Nutrition Science, Eastern Medicine practices, Yoga, Meditation, Neuroscience, Psychology, & Intuitive Cooking through the senses.

She teaches clients how to adapt their lifestyle without compromising flavour & how to tap into the essential self-regulating side of their nervous system so they can heal on all levels. Lorraine uses evidence-based tools to help clients take a step-by-step approach to their digestive health and overall lifestyle. 

Understanding the vital gut-brain connection and it’s essential role in digestive symptom flare-up, Lorraine takes a holistic approach in her work. Lorraine is a passionate advocate for shifting away from “diet” culture and instead helps clients to develop a nourishing repertoire that heals on a cellular level.

The Journey of Others

Before You Begin...

The Several Layers of Wellness Through Food

When you are transforming the way you think and feel about food and your body, you are making HUGE changes! Most of your habits today are deeply rooted all the way back to your early childhood and how you learned to eat, what food meant to your family, how you ate, if you enjoyed food or were a picky eater etc.
Lorraine Demetriou,
Founder of Thrive with Lorraine

Lorraine uses evidence-based tools to help clients take a step-by-step approach to heal from digestive issues and take back empowerment of their health; mind, body and soul

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