Thank You For Joining

Distressed Gut

Thank you for registering.

I look forward to meeting you on Tue 12th @ 8pm.

In the mean time here are some ways we can stay connected.

1. Connect with me on Facebook

2: Whitelist My Email Address

An email containing the link to join Gut, Food & Mood Health Talk will be sent to your email next week.

Go find the confirmation email. (Please check your junk or promotions tab as it may have ended up in a folder other than your inbox).

Once you find the email from: Lorraine Demetriou <> Move it into your inbox, add me to your contacts, and whitelist my email address. (…Oh, and while you are doing this hit reply and let me know a little about you.)

Step 3: Join The Conversation Over On Instagram

I love chatting with my Tribe over on Instagram so make sure to hop over there, follow me and tag me to say hi…

Copyright © 2021 Thrive with Lorraine