Tired of pointing the finger at what you eat?
Is your gut feeling telling you there is more to your bloat than just food?
Would you like to dive deeper and understand your digestion & bloat issues from within?
Take the time to move beyond avoiding, suppressing or numbing your digestive discomfort towards experiencing and understanding why your symptoms are showing up!
Learn the road map that turns the traditional approach to health & wellness upside down. Instead of treating your digestive discomfort from the outside in, learn how to experience & create health from the inside out.
Your gut is your biggest elimination organ, it helps you to rid your body of toxins and waste. When it is not functioning optimally it affects your hormonal system, your immune system, your circulation system, your ability to detox & your mental health. When your gut is happy (low inflammation, healthy lining, plenty of good bacteria, low dysbiosis) it helps your body to maintain balance within your immune system, endocrines system, nervous system, circulatory system & digestive system.
No matter where you are on your health journey, looking after your digestive is number ONE. Once your digestion is functioning at its best, this creates the foundation for your body and all its systems to find balance.
To find freedom from bloat, delving into your mind-body connection is essential.
This 5-day challenge shows you how, together we will take the steps to understand the pillars to gut-health.
Nourish – learn how you can choose and cook with food that can nourish your digestion and amplify healing.
Stimulate – learn how flavour can influence your digestive juices
Soften – Ditch the harsh diet mentality & soften your inner-critic with thoughts, words & actions that nourish your body.
Connect – eliminate the emotional sh*t that you have been struggling to process or have been holding unconsciously deep in your gut.
Align – learn the essentials to a strong gut-brain connection and how the senses are the gateway to your nervous system.
It takes disciple to create real & lasting change. it’s so much easier to be seduced by today’s fast-paced, quick-fix & health-gimmick ridden culture than to commit to showing-up, clearing-out & cooking-up real food, real discipline & getting to know your symptoms and body on a deeper level. But, we can do it!
When “disease” shows up, it can be triggered for a number of reasons and not always because of something you ate or didn’t eat. We are often not “at ease” in our lives, not living from our truth and so rely on foods for quick fuel and often forget about nourishing ourselves.
We lack positive routines where exercise, self-care, meditation, breath-work, stretching have lost their importance in our culture. “out of sight, out of mind”. We are focused on survival where work, busy schedules and “doing” are top of our priority list.
We have lost direction through this disconnection, often looking for it in places like money, power and promotion.
In 5-days you will learn more about the workings of your digestion, the role of stress & emotion, plus easy integrated tools to help calm and nourish your gut than you have learned in the last 5 years.
Lorraine Demetriou is the co-founder of Thrive Cafe & Founder of Thrive with Lorraine – a Holistic Health specialist for those lost in the symptoms of their digestive discomfort & illness, looking to up-level their cooking skills while navigating their symptoms and support their mental health & whole-body wellbeing through mind-body techniques.
She has combined over twenty years as a Naturopathic Nutritionist with her Intuitive Cooking background & yoga teacher journey to create her innovative trainings Gut Instincts – (12 week Holistic Gut-health program), Time to Thrive Membership and upcoming Thrive Wellness Hub – fusing Nutrition Science, ancient Eastern Medicine practices, yoga, meditation, neuroscience, psychology, & Intuitive Cooking through the senses.
She teaches evidence-based tools & techniques inside the kitchen, on the yoga mat & in life to help clients take a step-by-step approach to their digestive health. Teaching her clients how to adapt their lifestyle without compromising flavour, how to tap into the essential self-regulating & healing side of their nervous system so they can heal on all levels. She is a passionate advocate for shifting out of the “diet” culture and helping her clients to develop a nourishing repertoire that calms, soothes & heals on a cellular level. She takes a holistic approach to mental health understanding the vital gut-brain connection and it’s essential role in digestive symptom flare-up.